Tuesday 3 May 2011

Sssh....the corriander is growing

As requested, a quick update of how the seedlings from a few weeks back are doing

The highlight for me has got to be this...
Remember the coriander that I couldn't grow...well it's growing!

The Roma tomatoes and red peppers (capsicums) had to be transplanted into bigger trays and may well need to be transplanted into even bigger ones now.

And due to my assumption that the coriander seeds that I had harvested from last year were not viable...I went and bought "proper" seed and they have started surfacing...so we should have plenty of coriander...if I can keep it alive.

I think my problem was over watering them...so with a little less water, I'm holding thumbs.

The Rosemary seeds that I had planted may have suffered the same ailment as my previous coriander attempts, as only one of those seeds have germinated. Hmmm, maybe I'll try with the seeds again at a later stage, but for now I've taken a few cuttings from my existing rosemary bush, and with the aid of some rooting hormone, I'm hoping they will do better than the seeds, I'll keep you posted.

On a different note, I have a special post for you tomorrow...

But that's all for now

1 comment:

  1. The fingers are getting greener with practice. Good stuff, my sage, Italian parsley, onions, cabbage, and mixed herbs are all coming up too. Great feeling of satisfaction isn't it?


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